Thursday, January 27, 2011


I have a lot of catching up to do. Time just seems to fly by and before I know it it has been almost 2 months since I posted! We are doing great and loving every new thing that Ellie does. It is the beginning of busy season so Ellie and I hardly see Ryan, but we are just thankful for the weekends. We got a calling to teach the 10 and 11 year-olds in Primary and we love it. Ryan is working on taking the last section of the CPA exam and we are so excited for him to be done soon. I posted a lot of pictures to catch up a little. Here are some of the new things that Ellie has been doing since I last posted:

-Laughing at the most random things, especially lights
-Patting and scratching everything with her hand to see if it makes a noise, especially me :)
-She now weighs probably about 13 pounds and she turns 5 months on Saturday
-She loves to roll from her back to her stomach, but is not very good at getting back
-Blowing bubbles
-Squealing like a little pig
-We are super lucky because she sleeps all night from 8:30 to 7:30
-She loves to be tickled on her side
-She is the biggest wiggly worm when I am trying to feed her bottle to her (annoying!)

She loves to play with her toys, which is superb because it gives me time to get things done.

Most of all, Ellie loves books!!

Christmas was so much fun this year despite Ellie having croup for Kristen's wedding and getting the flu on Christmas day. Kristen and Jeremy's wedding was beautiful and it was so good to see extended family. It is so fun to keep adding to our family and we are excited that Jeremy is in our family now. We also got to meet sweet little Paige. She is absolutely adorable and I am so excited that her and Ellie are so close in age. Although it is amazing how much difference 3 months makes at this time in their lives. Ellie looks huge compared to her!
Cade had fun pushing Ellie in the play stroller, but it doesn't look like Ellie is having much fun :)
Thanks for stopping by!